About The Book

About The Book

More Money
Than Bills

Unfortunately, it is no longer sufficient to live within your means. For why this is a New Reality, see The First Step of More Money Than Bills©.

Be sure to read The Second Step of More Money Than Bills© in order to get six effective ways to reach and maintain the Ideal 70% Standard Of Living that few people even know about.

A part of your income is and has always been your Secret Weapon. For more on this, read The Third Step of More Money Than Bills©.

While your financial Secret Weapon gets weakened quickly, it can be strengthened. For

two ways to strengthen your Secret Weapon previously weakened, read The Fourth Step of my book.

By design, you can create 3 powerful hard-to-bust budgets. For specific details on each, see The Fifth Step of More Money Than Bills©.

When you read The Sixth Step of More Money Than Bills©, you will learn how to create what amounts to a Perpetual Money Machine.